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Patologias em pavimentos flexiveis: estudos de caso sobre a rodovia BR-163 trecho em Terra Nova do Norte

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dc.contributor.advisor Bispo, Geilson Holanda, Lovani Gomes 2024-08-30T13:50:42Z 2024-08-30T13:50:42Z 2024-07
dc.identifier.citation HOLANDA, Lovani Gomes. ANÁLISE DAS MANIFESTAÇÕES PATOLÓGICAS PRESENTES NA RODOVIA BR-163 TRECHO EM TERRA NOVA DO NORTE. 2024. 43 folhas. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso – Centro Universitário Fasipe – UNIFASIPE. en_US
dc.description.resumo Botin, Andréia Alves
dc.description.resumo Paving a highway is synonymous with providing development, traffic, safety and comfort for those who use it. Based on this comment, this analysis intended to classify the BR-163 highway in the section belonging to the municipality of Terra Nova do Norte – MT, pointing out improvements to this pavement. For the analysis, the IGG global severity index formula was used. With the result of this calculation, each section can be classified, determining the most frequent pathologies, their motivations and possible solutions. According to the deterioration result presented, in section 02 it reached a value of 121.4 called bad. There was a need to mill and increase the thickness of the material that makes up the coating to support current and future traffic. Therefore, it is concluded that it will be necessary to carry out repair procedures on the current pavement, due to the load demand it receives. En
dc.description.resumo Paving a highway is synonymous with providing development, traffic, safety and comfort for those who use it. Based on this comment, this analysis intended to classify the BR-163 highway in the section belonging to the municipality of Terra Nova do Norte – MT, pointing out improvements to this pavement. For the analysis, the IGG global severity index formula was used. With the result of this calculation, each section can be classified, determining the most frequent pathologies, their motivations and possible solutions. According to the deterioration result presented, in section 02 it reached a value of 121.4 called bad. There was a need to mill and increase the thickness of the material that makes up the coating to support current and future traffic. Therefore, it is concluded that it will be necessary to carry out repair procedures on the current pavement, due to the load demand it receives. En
dc.subject IGG en_US
dc.subject Pavimento en_US
dc.subject Tráfego en_US
dc.title Patologias em pavimentos flexiveis: estudos de caso sobre a rodovia BR-163 trecho em Terra Nova do Norte en_US
dc.type Working Paper en_US
dc.description.abstract Pavimentar uma rodovia é sinônimo de oportunizar desenvolvimento, tráfego, segurança e conforto para quem utilizar. Fundamentado neste comentário a presente análise intencionou classificar se a rodovia BR-163 no trecho pertencente ao município de Terra Nova do Norte – MT, apontando melhorias para este pavimento. Para a análise foi empregado a fórmula de índice de gravidade global IGG, com o resultado deste cálculo pode-se realizar a classificação de cada trecho, determinar as patologias mais frequentes, suas motivações e possíveis soluções. Conforme o resultado de deterioração apresentado, no trecho 02 chegou ao valor de 121,4 denominado ruim. Sucedeu a necessidade de fresar e ampliar a espessura do material que integra o revestimento para suportar o tráfego atual e futuramente. Sendo assim, conclui-se que será necessário realizar procedimentos de reparo, no atual pavimento, em decorrência da demanda de carga que recebe. en_US

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